Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 30

Day 30:  The Good Fight

       As Christians we are in a fight!  Every day we fight against our sinful nature and the world’s views.  The enemy uses every opportunity to attack us and separate us from the Immeasurably More God is doing in us and through us.  It is confirmed every time I begin to make incredible changes in my life, when I am letting God’s glory shine, I come under attack one way or another.  The enemy does not want us to be a light and let God’s glory shine. 

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking
for someone to devour.” 1Peter 5:8

       We have to be alert to fight the good fight at all times.  To wage this battle we need to stay in God’s Word and connected to the Holy Spirit.  Staying close to God and knowing His love in our lives we are able to represent the love of God to others. 

“The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1Timothy 1:5

       The love of God and the love for others is lived out with a pure heart, good conscience and sincere faith.  A pure heart is pure motivation based on who God is, loving without self-intent and without personal gain.  It is asking if my actions are motivated by love of me and my agenda or by God and His love for me.  A good conscience is an inner awareness of moral quality of my actions.  Am I doing things for one person and one person only---God?  Sincere faith comes from being ready to listen to truth and have the desire to do what is right.

       Living out the love of God and the love for others is fighting the good fight.  Fighting the good fight allows the Lord to do Immeasurably More in and through us to glorify Him.

       Can you take a look at how the love of God and the love for others is being lived out?  Are there ways you can make changes to allow God to do Immeasurably More in and through you?  Can you love and live for the glory of God?


  1. Sometimes, I get impatient and forget that impatiences is just me getting in the way of God's love.

    1. I can get in His way more than I should!!! Hope to make more room for Him and what He wants to do in and through me!!!

  2. I love your definition of a pure heart. It's so easy for "self" to taint our motives.

    1. Cleaning the 'self' out of my heart!!!!!! Thanks for reading!

  3. So often I just think about what *I* can do "for God." So silly. I need to just get out of God's way and be the tool He uses to do more than *I* ever could!

  4. So true! The road is NARROW! We need to keep our eyes wide open and stay on it.

    1. Amen!!! Thanks for reading again Melissa!!!!
