Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 27

Day 27:  Your platform

       My husband is a very quiet man who doesn’t use a lot of words except in his job.  He can then be very animated and purposeful with his words.  When we go to a gathering with a large number of people he doesn’t know, he will be found in a back corner observing the crowd.  I on the other hand am just the opposite.  If we go to a gathering of 500 people I will make sure I talk with at least 495 before I leave!  I am the last one at church on Sunday morning because I will chat with anyone who makes eye contact. 

       One would think that I would be in a profession that took lots of time talking with people and building relationships.  In my prior career this was true.  I was a nurse and spent many hours talking to patients and their families.  Then God called me to be a stay at home mom.  I found that there was much time at home alone with three little boys.  We moved a lot and I didn’t have time to make new friendships in a meaningful way outside of my hubby’s work. 

       My husband’s career took him in a totally opposite direction of his personality.  He is a professional baseball coach and works in front of 20,000-60,000 people on most game nights.  He has been asked to speak on stages in front of small and large crowds, not something he is comfortable doing.  In his Christian walk he has come to focus on the following scripture.  Also a scripture that I have embraced over the years also.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23
       God gives us each a platform, an area that He places us to show His glory through us.  Your platform may be like mine, a stay at home mom, a large platform like my hubby or something in between.  That platform is to be used to display all of God’s glory that reveals the Immeasurably More He is doing through you.

       Do you know what your platform is?  Where has God placed you to glorify Him and reveal the Immeasurably More He is doing through you?  Are you working as if working for the Lord and not for man?  What can you do to accomplish this?


  1. Thank you for this encouragement this morning as I sit here delaying going to work...I am now going with the heart and mindset that it is my platform and I am going to display God's glory :)
    Blessings, Sarah Travis

    1. Praying you shine His light brightly!!!! Thanks for reading!!

  2. Thank you for your reminder that all the work we do should be for God, not ourselves. I'm an introvert--who teaches high school ;). I love my students and enjoy spending time getting to know them (I have small class sizes). I don't really know what my 'platform' is--but I do know that wherever I am, God can use me--as long as I'm open to the Holy Spirit's leading.

    1. Your platform in pouring into the lives of our future leaders!!!!!!! High School teachers have such a beautiful platform to be encouragers and inspire the lives of these kids!!! Thank you for teaching!

  3. Right now, I think my platform is the same as yours, stay-at-home mom. It can be kind of lonely but I think that is the season we are in right now. And no matter if you move a lot or not, the schedules of a bunch of middle and high schoolers can isolate any parent who does the driving. It's just the nature of the beast. And also only a season. So I'm focusing on the time I have with them now, enjoying our time in the car and the conversations and laughter. Thanks for a sweet post.

    1. Thanks for reading!!! Being there for our kids is an important platform that we sometimes get bogged down in. The time with them is fleeting, enjoy the season!!!

  4. Thank you for the reminders and encouragement ☺
