Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 15

Day 15:  Words

       Not too long ago I found myself in a group of women discussing the wrong another woman had done.  I don’t even remember now what it was she had done.  I do remember that we were talking up a storm at her bad decisions and her lack of character and her lack of parenting skills.  Anything we could think of to discuss we did it with fervor, some with stronger opinions than others.  At the time I was upset and felt wronged by this lady and I was an active part of the discussion and it felt good that others agreed with me. 

       As God would have it, a devotion would come to me in the next few days that talked about character assassination, gossip and how words can hurt others and us.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  Ephesians 4:29

       Oh my!!!  In my selfishness to feel right I massacred this lady with words.  I did nothing to build her up. Words are like arrows piercing the character of others.  This is not the intent God has for our words.

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness.  Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.  My brothers and sisters, this should not be.” James 3: 9-10

       When we are allowing God to do Immeasurably More in and through us we have to be in control of what comes out of our mouths.  With our mouths we cannot praise Him then use our words to assassinate others. 

       Are there times that your words are used for breaking down rather than building up others?  What can we do to take control what comes out of our mouths?  Let it first be praise and worship of God, then your words will be more honoring and less harmful.


  1. The Lord has been laying this on my heart again and again lately...I need to intentionally (constantly!) focus on this!!

    1. I am glad it spoke to you. I have to be intentional also!!!

  2. I work really hard to speak only of the good in others. It sets such a good example and believe me, people notice. Its a great way to stay accountable, too, because when I slip - people get wide eyed in disbelief that I would speak like that! :-)

    That fruit of the spirit, Self Control, is a challenging one to live out, eh? Now, if I could only get better at resisting chocolate!

    1. Some days and weeks are better than others. I have to purposefully seek self control! Thanks for commenting. And for the chocolate....haha

  3. Wow! Thank you for sharing this, I am going to pin it, because I need this reminder. I want to speak life with my words and build others up, May I also purposely seek self-control.

  4. You are not alone in your experience. I think this is a biggie for all women. I know I struggle with it. Thank you for the verses!

    1. Thank you Natalie! I try everyday to be accountable to Him!!!

  5. Hi Billie, thank you for honestly sharing you thoughts. I read somewhere that we have 2 gates to guard our tongue, our lips and our teeth, so we should always think twice before we speak. Words to remember today.

    1. I like that, 2 guards....I pray I continue to think twice!!!! Thanks!

  6. This is such a convicting reminder. I fall into gossip way too easily.

    1. Unfortunately it is an easy out....but to show self control is more pleasing to God! Thanks for your encouragement Melissa!!!

  7. It is so easy to get pulled in by gossip. I try to live my life saying good things about others. But there have also been times I've been quiet and not said a word when I could have spoke up and said nice things about that person. I think of the Christian song "Speak life." God calls us to speak life; good about each other. I need to remember that! My mom is such a great example. I don't think I've ever heard her say anything bad about anyone!

    1. Thanks Tara...I think I can be just as remiss in not speaking words of encouragement when I feel God's nudging. I am so happy you have a great example in your mom. Not all of us have that good example in our lives! I pray to be that mom!!! Blessings
