Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 26

Day 26:  Live on Mission to represent Christ

Many years ago I heard a sermon that talked about our responsibility to live each day in response to the sacrifice Jesus made and the love that He has for us, living on Mission.  Mission is defined as a task or job that someone is given to do.  Living on Mission is living the Immeasurably More God wants to do through you.

 After that sermon I wrote on a sticky note, “Jesus, what do you want me to do for you today?”  That note still lies in the front of my Bible, a reminder of Jesus desire to guide and my commitment to obey.  Many times I find myself sitting and waiting to see what God will do without taking that first step out in faith.  I call this the Potato chip Christian life.  The life of a Christian who sits on the couch waiting for God to do something big before they get up and begin the process with that first step.  We need to take that first step in faith and see what He accomplishes through us.  Living on Mission is taking steps in faith to allow the Lord to work Immeasurably More through us, according to HIS power.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” Ephesians 3:20

Today I watched a video about Francis Chan and his wife making a decision to serve in East Africa for their 20th wedding anniversary.  This decision was made after researching trips to Fiji and other exotic places.  He said he questioned himself as to where they’ve had the most impactful encounters together.  The answer was when they served others. This is evidence of living life on mission.

Waking up each day and asking the Lord what do you want me to do for you today is living on mission.  Taking that first step in faith to see what God will do through you is living on mission.  

Can you take that first step to live on mission to allow the Lord to do Immeasurably More through you?  What is stopping you?  Take that first step in faith and see what God wants to do through you.


  1. I had heard about what Francis Chan and his wife did, and thought that was pretty awesome. This post challenged me!

  2. Thanks for reading!! I hope it challenges you as it did me to step out in faith!!!

  3. I will never look at a potato chip the same way! Ha! Thanks for the visual.

    1. Haha...I visualize me with fuzzy pink slippers and a robe sitting on the couch eating potato chips...bad visual...enough for making me move!!!! Thanks for reading!

  4. Pray for me. We have desired to have more impact in our lives. Since we have six children (we love that we have an impact on them but desire to do even more), it is hard to reach out. But we want to. Pray that we find a way that is doable for us!

    1. Always remember the seasons we are in are where God has placed those babies while they are still in your they grow up you have a great deal more time on your hands!!!! The things I did do when my kids were young were small things they could be involved in...packing boxes of school supplies for schools in need, taking food to the food bank or soup kitchens, giving a bottle of water to people standing with signs asking for food....the small things are seen by them and replicated later on!!! Praying for God to reveal more to you!

  5. Thank you for sharing this today - great post. Gave me some things to think about....what is stopping me? Fear? Lack of faith?

    1. Fear and lack of faith can only stop you if you let it....take one small step of faith that you may not even have...the blessings will flow!!!!

  6. I was doing a study recently that talked about how we should be in constant prayer over ALL the decisions we make during the day, even ones that seem trivial. Nothing in our lives is too trivial for us to seek His will!

    1. So very true!!! Taking each thought captive is a discipline I don't always succeed at but consciously work at each day! Thanks for reading!

  7. Billie, thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving a sweet comment! I hopped over to your blog and was amazed that we had both used Ephesians 3:20 as our Scripture for this post...also, I so loved your sticky note, “Jesus, what do you want me to do for you today?” that I now have a blue one stuck to my computer screen...a very good question, indeed! Thank you!
