Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 29

                     Day 29: Well Done vs. Well Said

In the Christian world we know the phrases that catch our attention and let us know that others are believers.  Blessings.  I will pray for you.  God bless you.  There are people that you talk with that can quote scripture at the drop of a hat.  They can judge and condemn others with a Christian twist of praying for them.  They talk about how much time they spend at church and they sit in the same pew/seat every week.  They talk about the committees they oversee.  I have heard many sermons on the ‘talk’ of Christianity. 

When we are seeking for God to do Immeasurably More in us and then through us we stop talking and start the walk.  Walking in Immeasurably More, acting in Immeasurably More gets us out of the talk and into the action.  What is your talk of faith doing to impact the lives of others?  This is where Well Said becomes Well Done.      

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”  Matthew 25:21

This is what I want my Master to say to me!  Well Done.  To live the Immeasurably More that I know God wants to do through me I have to know that it is not in my power but through the power of Him through me.  This is more than words.  It is profound obedience.  It is fighting for justice for those who cannot fight for themselves.  It is being the advocate for someone who cannot advocate for themselves.  It is teaching by example, not telling.  It is sacrifice.
Can you become profoundly obedient in the calling God has on you living a Well Said life that leads to the Immeasurably More He wants to do through you?  Are you ready to sacrifice your words for the action it requires?


  1. Well said! I am reading “Love Does” by Bob Goff on just this topic: doing rather than talking it too death.

    1. I will have to look for that book!!! Thanks for reading my post!

  2. I heard a sermon that said thinking about is not the same thing as doing. Once you decide what you are going to do you have to go do it, thinking isn't enough.

  3. Yes!!! My whole series is about the misconception of how we feel about the word beautiful and what it means. I feel that spiritually, it has everything to do with what God wants to accomplish THROUGH us. I love your words today, friend!

    1. Thanks for reading!! I have really been challenged this month with what He is calling me to do and is great!

  4. Faith starts with thought, then conviction but ends with ACTION. Faith without works is dead. You can't be the hands and feet if your hands and feet aren't moving ;)

  5. Those are indeed the words I want God to say to me.
