Monday, March 16, 2015

My Writing Journey and The Deafening Negativity....

My writing journey is such a blessing in my life. Being able to share the things that God puts on my heart and how He is transforming my life is such a joy, when I choose it to be.

In my past I have had a great deal of negative words spoken over me. People believing that negative words and negative criticism made people work harder or try to be better. In my humble opinion, THAT CRAP DON'T WORK!!!! (read that in a deep Southern drawl!)  The only thing that it changed in my life was continual thoughts of deafening negativity.

Negative words cause a lifetime of pain and self-doubt! One of the people who was most abusive with words, also told me, 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.'  Those opposing ideas coming from the same person was very confusing, especially for a child. People threw around negative words like daggers. These abusive people left the daggers laying about while blaming the one they were abusing. This has set me up over the years to dread any type of criticism, negative or positive. All criticism to me has felt like abuse and sends me into a spiral of shutting down and blocking out all people.

Then God called me to write. Any of us who have ever written and put it out there for all to see knows that there is criticism. Most that critique our work are kind and encouraging and then there are those that don't have as much tact. Thankfully most of my responses have been positive. However, I have learned through these negative responses, how to thicken my skin!

The first way I began to thicken my skin is knowing that God is in control.

With the knowledge that God has a plan for me and that plan is to spiritually prosper me and NOT to harm me, I can live in confidence that I am protected! No matter the arrows of negativity that come at me God's plans will prevail.  

The next thickening of my skin came with throwing up my hands and saying 'Whatever!'

Think about such things! I replaced the deafening negativity with things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and praiseworthy. Glorifying Him in all that I do each day. 

Replacing the deafening negativity with the Word of God and His guidance, retraining my thoughts and seeking to Glorify Him I continue to write and enjoy the words that flow forth.

What have you done to quiet the deafening negativity?

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