Monday, March 2, 2015

Do Not Neglect the Gift....

As I head even closer to the empty nest I have been evaluating and praying about the direction God wants me to go. I have embraced that He has sent me toward the path of writing. I have many confirmations that this is the path I am to follow at this time. However, I still find my self doubting and wallowing in fear that I cannot be a writer. The thing is that I am a writer. I sit in front of my computer and write, therefore I am a writer. I have wasted time by questioning if I am good enough. But how will I know if I am good enough if I don't put myself out there? I waste time with fear that not everyone will like what I write. Does everyone agree with or like everything? NO! Fear stops me mid-writing that I may get an unkind remark related to my writing. Do I stop writing the the 'what if'?

I had to have a hard conversation with myself. I had to stop living in fear, wasting time, money and mental bandwidth on worrying about the what if's and the failure possibilities. I needed to wake up, look up and put my focus on Him. I began to move forward in the path He has called me to follow. To write for Him and leave the results to Him is what He is calling me to do.

In Matthew 25 we see the man who has been given the one talent and buried it, hid it away, for safe keeping. He didn't nurture it or work to make it grow. He was so afraid he would lose it he neglected it. He allowed fear to motivate him.

Being motivated by fear stops us from using the gifts that God has given us. We neglect the gift by not allowing it to grow in our lives. If I were to continue to live in fear that I may not be a good enough writer or that some people may not like what I write then I would be neglecting the gift that I feel God has given me. Instead I want my life to reflect God's glory by being obedient and leaving the results to Him.

I am committing to being obedient and to do what He has called me to do. What talent or gift do you feel God has given you that you may not be nurturing and allowing to grow to Glorify Him? What changes can you make today that will allow your life to be an example of the life changing power of the Gospel?

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