Monday, June 2, 2014

Preparing for the summer.....

My closet is empty, my suitcase is full and today is the last day of Junior Year for my baby boy.   We are off to spend most of the summer with my hubby while making the rounds for my last summer of tournament baseball with the baby boy.

My husband has been in professional baseball for 27 years, 11 years in the Major Leagues.  For four of those years we lived in the city in which he worked so I didn't have to pack up for an entire summer.  The years he has worked in another city it has meant packing up our clothes and heading to spend the summer with him.  I find myself  looking at my closet and my clothes trying decide what to bring and what to leave.  There is a weight limit on planes or I would just bring everything.  I am not a clothes hound but I do like to have variety!  It is also a chance to take a look at all of your clothes and get rid of things.  I have narrowed down a system over the years that becomes easier year after year.  Here are a few rules to my success at cleaning out the closet.

My Rules of Getting Rid of Clothes
1.  Get a box of construction quality black trash bags, you can't see the clothes after they are in the bag.
2.  Open the closet door wide, no matter the size of the closet.
3.  Leave your emotions and 'awww I love that' outside the closet.
4.  Begin on the left and start getting rid of clothes!
5.  Get Rid of It Rule for clothes...

  • if you have not worn it in a year, you won't this year.
  • any item that has a hole in it no matter the size of the hole, it cannot and will not be repaired (other than jeans that have been bought that way)
  • any shirt with 'pit' stains, no that 'recipe' on Pinterest does NOT work.
  • if you need to jump off the roof to get into the pants you really don't want to take that risk.
  • anything from high school (no it won't come back in style, and if it does it will look better new)

6.  When the bag is half full tie it up and put it in the car to take to a donation site, donate within 24 hours without looking through the bag.
7.  If you have multiples of the same style shirt, simplify...if you have multiples of the same pants, simplify...if you have a certain shoe in multiple colors, simplify (unless they are TOMS, then you are exempt)
8.  If you hesitate, get rid of it!
9.  Vacuum your closet, wipe down the walls, replace broken hangers, replace burnt out bulbs
10.  Step back and enjoy!

Right now my closet looks empty and sparse of suitcase looks like an adventure waiting to happen!  Here's to another Season in Baseball and the adventures it brings....and the last summer of travel baseball for the baby boy....adventures for sure.

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