Monday, February 9, 2015

Doing for others....

Why do we do things for others? Search deep in your heart and truly question why you do things for others? Is it because if you do something for them they will do something for you? Is it because you think they will promote you to others or within your job? Is it to feel good about yourself? Is it for something in return....for a better gift?

How does it feel when you know someone is doing something for you because of the reasons that are listed in the above questions? I know it breaks my heart. Doing something for someone because of selfish intent is a hurtful action. When we do things that benefit us we forget the reason we should be doing good FOR others.

We should do for others because we are children of God. We are His beloved. He first loved us. Experiencing the grace that He has given us allows us to exercise the same love. We cannot love if we are not convinced of God's love for us. Be careful to not do for others out of selfish intent but as God has cared for us.

We are His children! Spread the love that He has so graciously placed in your heart. Don't look for what you can get out of it or how others will react to the love you show. Love because God loves you. Love as if you can lose nothing important. You can't! You have His love once you accept Him and become His child. That cannot be lost! Now take that love and spread it lavishly, pleasing God and God only! Seek to please God when you seek to do something for someone else and only Him.

Are there areas of your life where you can reevaluate how you are doing things for others? What can you do without any thought of yourself only of how pleasing it will be to God? Have there been times when you have done something for someone else expecting a certain reaction and you don't receive it? If not then you don't have kids ;)

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