Monday, December 15, 2014

The Season of Giving

The Season of Giving

What does giving mean to you?  We can all agree that December is the month of Christmas and that with Christmas we enter the season of giving.  I am often disheartened with the attitude of Getting during Christmas.  We have conditioned our kids and ourselves to expect things that we don't deserve or we can't afford. It happens in my home too. Society has duped us into believing we should have these things.  During the Christmas season we need to refocus our hearts and our desires from Getting to Giving!

I LOVE giving.  I love giving gifts of my time and of items someone has wished for.  I love that look on someone's face when they receive something they had not expected to get.  Over the years I have volunteered at a church outreach in Immokalee, Florida.  The church takes donations, purchases bicycles and gives them out to children in their community.  The look of surprise on the children's faces when their ticket number is called is one of excitement of receiving something they had not expected, something their family could not purchase for them.  Their hearts are filled knowing that they did nothing that was deserving of the bike, but that they were chosen without their 'worth' being taken into account.  No one looks at the things they have done over the year that was 'bad' and keeps a list to bring out before the tickets are given out to say 'You did these bad things so you cannot receive a bike.'  All the children have to do is show up, accept the ticket and receive the gift.

The ultimate giving was done by God over 2000 years ago.  He gave His son.  He came to Mary and asked her to carry His son, God becoming flesh.  She accepted the ticket.  Jesus was born into a meager beginning, in a stable, homeless.  God gave us the greatest gift in that manger, His son that would live a perfect life as a tempted man, to be betrayed by a dear friend and be murdered by the haters.  He was buried in a tomb.  However, the gift doesn't stop there.  Jesus did not remain a baby, He did not remain in that tomb.  He rose.  He rose from the dead to walk along side of us each and every day.  He Lives!!!  God's gift of life in the birth of Jesus, the gift of forgiveness in His death and His gift of the Holy Spirit living with us each and every day to lead and guide us is the ultimate gift to an undeserving population. 

In light of the gift that God gave us, how can we not give to others?  Not a giving of material things without meaning and with great cost financially, but of our hearts.  Do you have places that you can serve?  A homeless shelter, a women's shelter, a soup kitchen?  Do you know of where you can give a financial donation that makes a difference?  Here are a few of my favorites.  It doesn't take a great deal of money just one small financial sacrifice.

World Vision  Help Women and Children or choose another gift $1-$26

Donors Choose Help Teachers with Donations toward Classroom Projects $1-unlimited

Pete Frates #3  Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge Help support ALS Research

ALS-TDI  A Research Foundation for ALS

Baseball Chapel  An organization that spreads the Gospel throughout professional baseball

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